Toronto Clinics
184 clinics.
Looking for a Downtown Toronto Dentist near Bay-Bloor? Drs. Nicholas Kemp and Vesna Borovac are patient-focused dentists in Yorkvill...
Ontario's largest and fastest provider of non-OHIP, third party MRI exams. Since 2004, MedCentra has provided more than 15,000 MRI exams on-de...
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It is our goal and mission to provide you, the customer, the very best in service, product and care for your hearing healthcare. We will do our utm...
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Do you want a world-class result? We’re proven FUE hair transplant experts. Is your hairline receding? Restore your hairline and style your h...
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The Studio for Aesthetic Dentistry in downtown Toronto is a place that has been created in a holistic and spa-like manner to arouse feelings of rel...
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Baycrest offers an extensive range of high quality programs and services to help people as they age. We specialize in everything from healthy aging...
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The Medcan Travel Clinic offers business and leisure travelers a complete preventive assessment to identify health risks associated with travel (su...
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Board Certified Periodontist and Dental Implant Surgeon located in the Toronto area.
Our Dental Clinic is located in downtown Toronto and provides the highest standard of dental care. Our aim is to make you feel relaxed and comforta...
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Toronto Audiology Associates is convemiently located. We welcome you to conatct us to book an appointment.
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Ryan Brooks is a Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCMP) and a certified acupuncturist (D.Ac) in Toronto, Ontario. Ryan uses acupunctur...
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Since 1998 we have been financing medical care. Medicard has established itself as an industry innovator. Through our financing programs we can qui...
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We provide healthcare management or guidance as well as hands on services and related product. We assess client needs and family circumstances to c...