Canada Pharmacy Clinics
31 clinics.
The health care professionals at Markland Wood Pharmacy offers a wide range of clinical services in addition to prescription dispensing including:...
In a 1800's apothecary setting, Graham's Pharmacy gives customers the traditional warm experience of health centered and customer face to...
Guardian® - Dartmouth Gate Pharmacy is part of the Rexall family of pharmacies as well as banner members of Canada's oldest and largest indepe...
Conveniently located at 540 Davis drive, Newmarket Skycare pharmacy sets the standard in turnaround times, customer service and quality you can alw...
Our family doctors, specialists, pharmacists and other health-care providers work collaboratively to improve health and achieve the best possibl...
Concession Medical Pharmacy
For more than 40 years, Pharmasave and its predecessor have provided you with continuous efficient and friendly service for all of your prescriptio...
If you don't know your drugs, know your pharmacist.Dooley's Pharmacy is located in Arichat, Nova Scotia, on Cape Breton Island. We have b...
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