Depression, anxiety, phobias, OCD, stress, post-trauma, loss and grief, self-esteem, self-confidence, anger, insomnia, addiction, personality disorders, relationship issues, divorce, child and parenting issues, behavioural problems, impulse control, sexual dysfunctions, pre- and post-natal issues, infertility issues, personal evolvment, work life balance ...A team of clinical psychologists specialized in a wide range of psychological difficulties and disorders, providing psychotherapy for children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly.Individual, Couple and Marital, Sex, Family, Pediatric Therapy. Solution-focused, evidence-based, integrative approach. Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, Hypnosis.Workshops, coaching, and career counselling.Professional and confidential services. Warm and secure environment. EAP, SAAQ, IVAQ, CSST, Private Insurance accepted.French and English, Day and Evening appointments. Easy parking, 1 minute walk from Snowdon metro.